Course information


Course Description

This course is intended for those with little or no past training in quantitative methods. The course is an intensive introduction to some of the principles and methods of statistical analysis in social research. Topics covered in MY451 include descriptive statistics, basic ideas of inference and estimation, contingency tables and an introduction to linear regression models. For those with some quantitative training the slightly more advanced course MY452 (Applied Regression Analysis) would be more appropriate, followed by other Department of Methodology and Department of Statistics courses on quantitative methods, such as MY454 (Applied Statistical Computing), MY455 (Multivariate Analysis and Measurement), MY456 (Survey Methodology), MY457 (Causal Inference for Observational and Experimental Studies), MY459 (Quantitative Text Analysis), ST416 (Multilevel Modelling), and ST442 (Longitudinal Data Analysis).

Course Objectives

This course aims to impart a level of familiarity suitable for a moderately critical understanding of the statistical material in the journals commonly used by students in their work and the ability to use some elementary techniques.


  • Lectures: 2-hour in-person lecture every week.

  • Applied exercises: Each week there will be an exercise for students to complete in which the ideas covered in the lecture for that week will be applied to a real data set using the software package R/RStudio. Each exercise will have an accompanying explanatory video and a multiple-choice quiz to be completed on Moodle to check your learning.

  • Seminars: Students will attend a one-hour seminar each week, starting in Week 2. The seminars will go over the material covered in that week’s lecture, the corresponding applied exercise and provide a forum for students to ask questions and discuss the material covered in the course. Seminars will be available to attend in person and online. Please consult the on-line timetables for the times and locations of the class groups. The allocation of students to seminars is done through LSE for You. This will be explained in the first lecture and on the Moodle page. Please contact the course administrator listed on the Moodle page if you have any issues.


  • Teachers responsible:Jonathan Jackson (MT) & Tom Robinson (LT)

  • Course Administrator: Lucia Pedrioli, email

  • Class Teachers: MT: Aqeel Awan, Michaela Sedovicova, Nora Yitong Qiu, Pinar Jenkins, Sazid Ahmad, Tamara Shengelia, Vikas Chandra & Zuzana Dančíková


  • Lectures: Ten two-hour lectures in weeks 1 - 5 and 7 - 11:

    • Michaelmas Term (MY451M): Thu 2.00pm - 4.00pm in Clement House CLM.5.02

    • Lent Term (MY451L): TBC

  • Classes: Each student will attend a one-hour class each week, starting in Week 2. Please see on-line timetables for the times and places of the class groups. The allocation of students to classes is done through LSE for You or the Moodle system (see below), depending on your status. This will be exaplained in the first lecture and on the MY451 Moodle page. Please do not change the classes allocated to you without our consent.

Course Materials

  • Coursepack: This coursepack is the main course text. Digital copies of this coursepack (i.e., what you’re looking at now) are available for download for free from the Moodle page.

  • Lecture slides: Copies of most of the slides displayed during the lectures can be downloaded from the MY451 Moodle page.

  • Recommended course texts:

    • Alan Agresti and Christine Franklin (2013). Statistics: The Art and Science of Learning from Data (Third Ed.). Pearson.

    • Alan Agresti and Barbara Finlay (2013). Statistical Methods for the Social Sciences (Fourth Ed.). Pearson

    Earlier editions are also suitable. While neither of these books is absolutely required, we recommend that you purchase one if you would like to have additional explanation, examples and exercises to supplement the coursepack. Of these two, Agresti and Finlay is a bit more advanced. It is also the recommended additional course text for MY452 (which also has a coursepack similar to this one), so you may want to purchase it if you are planning to also take that course.

  • Other text books: There are hundreds of introductory textbooks on statistics and quantitative methods, many of them covering almost identical material. If you have one which you would like to use, and which looks as if it covers the same material at about the same level as this course, then it is probably suitable as additional reading. If in doubt, please ask one of the lecturers.

    • There are also many books which focus on the SPSS statistical software package used in the computer classes. We do not consider them necessary for this course, or for learning statistics or SPSS. If, however, you feel otherwise, some such books are mentioned in the Appendix.

MY451 on Moodle

The course materials are all available on Moodle. Go to and login using your username and password (the same as for your LSE e-mail). Then in the select courses dialogue box type in MY451, and in search results click on MY451. The site contains the structure of the course week by week, the readings, weekly computer class assignments and the associated data sets, coursepack and other materials, as well as a section on news and announcements.

Advisory Sessions

There will be times each week during the Michaelmas and Lent terms during which a member of the teaching team will be available at the Department of Methodology in Columbia House to answer questions about the course. Information on the times of the advisory hours will be given at the first lecture. These sessions are not intended to be private tutorials and you will be expected to have made a genuine attempt to work through the relevant sections of the coursepack prior to coming to an advisory session. Also, questions addressing material from that week’s lecture will be given priority. If you are having difficulty with a topic, come and see us at that time. If you wait until the end of term, when the advisory sessions can be very busy, we cannot guarantee that your questions from earlier sessions will be covered. There will be no advisory sessions after the end of Lent Term.

Notes on studying for the course

To learn the material from this course you must do the work every week since it is cumulative; if you miss a week or two (or sleep through it!) there is a chance that you will find yourself hopelessly lost. So this is definitely not a “pick and choose” course! Also bear in mind that most people cannot learn quantitative techniques passively by just turning up to the lectures and reading the occasional chapter in a textbook. To learn statistics you have to do it; there are no shortcuts. Thus in addition to a two-hour weekly lecture there will be one-hour computer classes (in which you do some data analysis and interpretation using SPSS - instructions will be provided) and there will be weekly homework (which will be corrected but not graded by your class teacher). Doing the assignments in the computer classes and the homework demonstrate whether you have understood and can apply what was covered in the lectures. If you are having any trouble this will reveal what the problem is. Thus the course is designed to have multiple, reinforcing ways of helping you get to grips with this material.


There will be a two-hour examination in the Summer Term. You may bring one, two-sided A4 sheet of reference material to consult during the exam. This can be typed or handwritten, and prepared yourself or in collaboration with others.You are required to bring your own calculators for the examination. Examination papers from previous years are available for revision purposes at the LSE library web site. Students should understand that past examinations should only be used as rough guides to the types of questions that are likely to appear on the examination.

For many of you, MY451 is only one part of a package of methods training with a course code such as MC4M1 or MY4M1. If this is the case, your result for MY451 will contribute only part of the final mark for the package, with a weight determined by the regulations.


Students must know their Username and Password in time for the first class. This information can be obtained from IT Help Desk (Library, 1st floor). The course uses Microsoft Windows-based software. If you are not familiar with the program, you might want to attend introductory courses in Windows during the first two weeks of the term. The statistical package being used is SPSS, which will be introduced in the first computing class of the course.

Software availability

We use RStudio, which is free.


We would welcome any comments you have on the course. If there are any problems that we can deal with, we will attempt to do so as quickly as possible. Speak to any member of the course team, or to your departmental supervisor if you feel that would be easier for you. Also please let us know if you find any errors or omissions in the coursepack, so that we can correct them for next year.


This coursepack bears many traces of previous materials and all of their authors, Colm O’Muircheartaigh, Colin Mills, Matt Mulford, Fiona Steele, Paul Mitchell, and Sally Stares. Many thanks to Farimah Daftary, Sue Howard, Jon Jackson, Paul Mitchell, Indraneel Sircar, and many students of previous years for comments and suggestions which are incorporated in the current revision.

Course Programme

Week 1
Lecture Course overview and organisation. Introduction to basic concepts
Exercise Familiarisation with R/RStudio (no seminar week 1)
Coursepack Chapter 1
Week 2
Lecture Descriptive statistics for categorical variables
Exercise/seminar Loading data into R/RStudio, descriptive statistics
Coursepack Sections 2.12.4 and 2.8
Week 3
Lecture Descriptive statistics for continuous variables
Exercise/seminar Descriptive statistics for categorical variables
Coursepack Sections 2.52.7
Week 4
Lecture Analysis of two-way contingency tables
Exercise/seminar Descriptive statistics for continuous variables
Coursepack Chapters 3 and 4
Week 5
Lecture Inference for means in two populations
Exercise/seminar Analysis of two-way contingency tables
Coursepack Chapters 6 and 7
Week 6
Reading Week No lecture, no exercise/seminar
Week 7
Lecture Inference for proportions in one and two populations
Exercise/seminar Inference for means in two populations
Coursepack Chapter 5
Week 8
Lecture Correlation and simple linear regression as descriptive methods
Exercise/seminar Inference for proportions in one and two populations
Coursepack Sections
Week 9
Lecture Inference for the simple linear regression model, 3-way contingency tables
Exercise/seminar Correlation and simple linear regression
Coursepack Section 8.3.5 (Hour 1); Section 8.4 and Chapter 9 (Hour 2)
Week 10
Lecture Multiple linear regression
Exercise/seminar More on linear regression
Coursepack Sections 8.58.7
Week 11
Lecture Review and exam preparation
Exercise/seminar Multiple linear regression
Coursepack Chapter 10

FAQ: Frequently Asked Questions

Why do we use R/RStudio? I’ve heard that SAS/STATA/MINITAB/SPSS/LIMDEP is better. At this level it does not matter which program you use since we are learning standard procedures that are common to all programs. In favour of R/RStudio is that it is free, flexible and extremely powerful.

Can I get a copy of the R/RStudio software to use on my home computer? Yes, this will be explained in weeks 1 and 2 applied exercises and classes.

I’m taking MY451 because I want to learn how to use R/RStudio but we don’t seem to learn very much about the program. Why is that? MY451 is not a course about learning to use R/RStudio. We use the program merely to facilitate data analysis and interpretation. Some options for learning more about R/RStudio will be mentioned in the first lecture.

I’m taking MY451 to help me analyse data for my dissertation. Can I discuss my data and my specific problems with the lecturers? Yes, but not during the course. Staff of the Department of Methodology will be happy to talk to you about problems specific to your dissertation during the weekly sessions of the Methodology Surgery (see the website of the department for more information).

Does the coursepack contain everything I need to know for the exam? Yes. However, you will stand by far the best chance in the exam if you also attend the lectures, where the lecturers emphasise and explain the key parts of the material.

The lecturer introduced some material that was not in the coursepack. Do I need to know that material? This is almost certainly an illusion. The lectures will not introduce any genuinely new material not included in the course pack. However, sometimes the lecturer may of course use different words or a different example to further explain some topic. Copies of the most relevant notes displayed at the lectures will be posted in the MY451 Moodle site. All of the material required for the exam is contained in the coursepack, with the posted lecture notes as additional clarification.

Can I work together on the applied exercises with my friends? Yes, we positively encourage you to discuss the exercises with your colleagues. If you do this, please make sure you complete the multiple-choice quiz yourself.

I’m not registered at the LSE but at another University of London college. Can I attend this course? Normally yes, but you will have to complete an intercollegiate enrolment form.

I would like to audit the course without taking the exam. Is that OK? Yes, you are welcome to attend the lectures providing you are an LSE/University of London student and there is room for you.

MY451 is not challenging enough for me. Is there a more difficult course? Yes, MY452 and numerous other courses offered by the Department of Methodology and the Statistics department.